Noela Colinco Sharo

Testimonial of an MCCHS Graduate

Thirty years ago, I was one of about 60 students who first stepped into the halls of Maranatha Christian High School. I was an impressionable 14-year-old high school sophomore then, unsure of myself, and quite disappointed that my parents took me out of Silliman High School to attend a school with an unfinished edifice, with no reputation, and had a very small student population. At that time, I felt like a powerless guinea pig of a prodigious academic experiment that, in my eyes, was seemingly bound to fail. However, since I was left with no choice but to follow my parents’ wishes, I decided early on to make the best of the years I spent there.

I have many fond memories of the Christian School in its pioneering years but as I jog my memory now, the ones that stand out involve the high-caliber teachers who lovingly answered the call of ministry. I can still vividly remember having classes with Ms. Mary Ann San Jose under a tree due to lack of classrooms. Despite the lack of facilities, we were able to dissect a frog for our Biology class, which later came in handy when I majored in Biology at Silliman University. Sir Pinky was my Journalism teacher who played a great role in honing my writing skills and mentored me in representing the school in several press conferences. Luz de la Mesa, my classmate then, and I made it to the city, regional and national levels, bringing pride to such a new school and giving honor to God in the process. My love of politics, arts and culture was developed by listening to the stories during our World History class made interesting by Sir Patrick Ibanez, whose imaginative mind allowed us to explore other countries without leaving our classroom. Mrs. Anita Yamoyam was patient enough to teach us such abstract mathematical concepts but her hard work also paid off when I was able to pass my Calculus classes later in college. In the interest of time, I cannot name every teacher who made a difference in my life but every single one of them showed true passion in their craft and a genuine desire to serve God through teaching. They not only taught us worldly knowledge but most importantly, they imparted in us godly wisdom and the value of a Christ-like character learned daily from Chapel Hour. They may not know it then but in retrospect, it is undeniable that they played such a vital part in the kind of person I have become today.

Noela is currently a realtor in Charleston, South Carolina.
